Socially distant activities for San Diego seniors

Older adults have been especially impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic because they are at higher risk of developing a serious illness if infected. Current public health guidelines are recommending that older adults limit their in-person social interactions as much possible, particularly when indoors. For many, the pandemic has made life very lonely and very isolating.

Seniors living in retirement communities are especially at risk for developing a severe illness from COVID. Not only does the risk increase with age, but they may also have underlying health conditions, including heart disease, diabetes, or lung disease. 

Retirement communities and independent living facilities offer residents a variety of social activities, group dining, community activities, shared transportation, and shared communal spaces, all of which, unfortunately, have been severely impacted by COVID.

COVID restrictions and/or the fear of contracting the virus have made it difficult seeing family members and friends during this stressful time. However, if you want to visit with family or friends, you should do so outdoors, whenever possible, wearing a mask, and remaining socially distant, at least 6+ feet apart. If you are still concerned about in-person visits, why not try “going virtual”?

Get virtual

While this time of isolation can be challenging, especially for seniors, there are lots of things to do and places to go without leaving your home. There are video visits to the San Diego Zoo, Monterey Bay, and National Aquarium as well as virtual tours of London’s British Museum, The Guggenheim in New York City, the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, and many more.

Missing live music or live theater? Check out Playbill’s Streaming Calendar for their weekly digital offerings. Hundreds of thousands of people have been tuning in each day to free performance streams offered by The Metropolitan Opera. 

Take a virtual trip to Yellowstone, Yosemite, or even the Great Wall of China. San Diego Oasis, an organization of learning and engagement, offers a wide range of online classes, from the arts and languages to literature, theater, and music.  

Virtual clubs are great options that allow you to make new friends with people who share a common interest or hobby, such as quilting, sewing, writing poetry, or playing bridge.

Online communities for seniors use groups, message boards, and other discussion tools to connect you with others who share specific interests and concerns or who just want somebody to chat with. Check out The AARP Community, the biggest online community for seniors.

Keep moving

Exercise is an important part to healthy aging, but many seniors are finding it hard to stay active during the coronavirus pandemic. Make a “move list” or a plan on how to get moving every day. Make it a point to get some outdoor exercise in the great San Diego weather.

Stuck at home? Use this time to clear out clutter and organize your things. Or find some online games or puzzles to stimulate your brain. Try your hand at a new craft like crocheting or knitting.

What’s important is to take care of your physical, mental, and emotional health so you can live longer in San Diego!