Can you have two POAs in California? Yes, you absolutely can. POA is an abbreviation for power of attorney which is a legal document that grants authority to another person to act on your behalf in financial, healthcare and other… READ MORE
An estate plan is a living document that should evolve as your life circumstances change. Knowing when to update your estate plan is important for managing and distributing your assets according to your wishes and guaranteeing loved ones are taken… READ MORE
Virtually every person who is designated to inherit will claim the inheritance when the time comes, whether inheriting from a living trust or from a probate. Who would refuse to claim an inheritance? No effort is required. Only patience. After… READ MORE
Virtually all living trusts direct the trustee to pay the debts at death. People do not wish to die leaving their bills unpaid. Some are even concerned about timely payment. They don’t realize that creditors back off when there is… READ MORE
If you leave burial instructions in a health care power of attorney, or in a signed writing as part of a living trust, you may avoid unfortunate post-death consequences that cannot be undone. A retired bachelor made a will in… READ MORE
Some people with living trusts believe that no legal proceedings are necessary at death. Or if they are necessary, “everything happens automatically.” That is a myth. Yet people don’t believe the same about a Will. They know that the court… READ MORE
Why are attorney fees for trusts “all over the place?” If you have shopped for a trust attorney fee, you are aware of the wide range in fees. From fees under $1,000 to several thousand dollars and more. It shows… READ MORE
Proposition 193 excludes from reassessment transfers of real property between parents and eligible grandchildren. Though a living trust is not required, your living trust attorney can advise on the application of the law and apply for its benefits. An eligible… READ MORE
Proposition 58 excludes from reassessment transfers of real property between parents and eligible children in San Diego county and in California. “Child” is broadly defined. Property taxes can be kept lower for one’s “family.” It has nothing to do with… READ MORE
Property taxes – giving your house to your kids California allows real estate owners to transfer their residence to their children without increasing the real property taxes. It has nothing to do with whether the owner has a living trust,… READ MORE